Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Follow-up to "What Do You Mean by 'Communication'?"

My dear father and Socratic teacher, Wayne Unks, was kind enough to probe thoroughly into the meaning of my previous post. I started replying in the comments, really just got too long. His comments were:

"Must mutual understanding be achieved in order for an exchange of thoughts to be considered communication?"
"...if the recipient doesn't understand the sender's thoughts and, according to the above definition, communication did not happen, then what did take place? With respect to your analogy, a download still occurred - data got to the intended destination. It may not be useable (i.e. understood), but the download took place. The same can be true of sharing - I may share an object with you, you receive it (hear or read it in the case of a thought exchange), but don't make use of it (or understand it). That doesn't mean I didn't share with you."

My reply is as follows: